Family-Community Resource Center

Share food bags

If your family is in need of food support, your child can receive a weekly food bag provided by Share. Please see Mrs. Owen in the Resource Center or call 313-3074 to sign up. Please remember to return the empty food bags each week to the Resource Center. The bags are reused each week and help keep [...]

2016-03-28T15:32:35-07:00March 25th, 2016|Family-Community Resource Center|

Snowy Day inspires reading, family fun

On Dec. 8, families gathered at Washington Elementary School for dinner, storytelling, literacy activities and crafts designed around the themes in The Snowy Day, a 1963 Caldecott Medal–winning children’s book. Dubbed “the snow party,” the event attracted more than 100 people, including preschoolers, kindergarteners, first-graders and their families. The school’s Family-Community Resource Center coordinator, Carla Feltz, organized the event, which [...]

2014-12-23T13:22:09-08:00December 23rd, 2014|Family-Community Resource Center|
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